Tag: GPS
GPS Collars and Accuracy to Study Sloths
GPS Collars and Accuracy to Study Sloths Studying the GPS locations of an animal that doesn't move much is...
The Urban Sloth Project RECAP Part III (2023)
The Urban Sloth Project RECAP | Part III (2023) What a year, huh?! Everything happened in 2023 for the Urban...
La Selva Sloths | Downloading the data wirelessly
La Selva Sloths | Downloading the data wirelessly Our team of researchers spent three days at La Selva Biological...
Meet La Selva Sloths: George, Misty, and Selvina
Meet La Selva Sloths: George, Misty, and Selvina We are entering the next phase of the Urban Sloth Project! The...
Collars, Backpacks, and Data Loggers: How to study sloths in the Wild
Collars, Backpacks, and Data Loggers: How to study sloths in the Wild One would think that due to sloths’...